Dimensional serenade
I had a very interesting conversation today with two good friends about consciousness, dimensions and the terms we use to describe our experiences to others, and even ourselves sometimes.
It starts with J.G. Bennett’s Kennedy-esque assertion we shouldn’t ask how the earth can serve us, but rather, what purpose we serve here on earth.
I think this is a question of cosmic proportions. If this is indeed our mindset, it changes everything. Why we create art. Why we are friends with our friends. Why we dream our dreams.
It also challenges our notions of freedom and responsibility.
It challenges the validity of power.
It truly touches on the importance of training and discipline.
I have been awakened to the idea that what I am now is not who I have always been or will ever be.
In me has been awakened the spark of truth, a light of being.
It is here now.
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