Saturday, August 09, 2008


The other night, I dreamt about my grandmother and my grandfather (paternal and maternal). They have both passed on. I also dreamt about my siberian husky, Varga, who died not so long ago. I dreamt about someone who is still alive, but not doing well. The point of the dream was that they were all together, as if they were intimately connected. It dawned on me that they were a part of what so many of us know as soul groups. And as they were now in that other world, they watched over us, the living, protecting us, guiding us. I woke up saturated with the feeling of the dream.

Makes me think...

How many of our decisions are stimulated by supernatural advice, resonating deep within our subconscious minds? It makes me feel less alone in this world. And it makes me realize that destiny is something we share among us. It isn't just a point towards which we are helplessly moved. Destiny is a puzzle in which we are all important pieces, it is a responsibility we must face, and always do our best to uphold. Realizing this makes me feel that life itself is truly sacred.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)

12:06 PM  

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