Tuesday, September 04, 2007


The sun sets upon the world. Its warm rays can't hide the cool breeze of autumn, heralding the coming of winter. Are we prepared to face the unknown?

The world never judges. It exists beyond good and evil. It will accomodate any inclination. But our hearts are forged in the fire of evolution. We strive forward and our heart not only keeps us going, it also beams out into the space around us, its radar eye. We can be taught, we can experience, we can understand the difference between right and wrong.

We eat the food of the dead. We breathe the air and drink the water of the dying. We become what we eat. So we must hurry and train and struggle to keep ourselves ALIVE. Some people are beacons in the world, that our radar will see.

Did you ever dream you were a Super Hero?

Super Heroes fight for what's right and what's good. Most people want a life of dignity and happiness. A hero gives us temporary relief from the bleak places of suffering. A superhero, does that, as well as destroying the source of evil from which all bleakness emanates.

But a superhero is always alone, and must stay hidden in the world and must make many personal sacrifices.

But it is destiny.

Calling all heroes and superheroes to remain here to blind all evil with the light of truth and beauty!


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