Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Food safety, the patenting of life and conscience

The first time I went to the USA, I had heard a lot about genetically modified food, and quite frankly, it freaked me out! So I tried to stay away from anything that said anything about being modified. But as time went by, I guess I got lazy - seemingly a very human characteristic - and let myself sink back into ignorance and indifference. I'd eat mostly everything that I was offered, at home and out of the house. Later on I began to hear about Mad Cow Disease. That was very very scary. So I began to buy organic meat. Flesh never tasted that good. But then, there was chicken... and antibiotics, suffering animals, and feed containing a lot of strange things. Okay, free range organic chicken from now on, please.

Then I rediscovered David Wolfe and his sunfood diet, which I am now truly flirting with, but have yet to fully embrace. I love to cook, and I love to eat great cooked food, but I also realise both the health and spiritual implications of just living by one's taste buds alone (which, besides, can and will change, whenever we *truly* wish it). David Wolfe says that a lot of our cravings are simply that: addictions. And I've seen this myself. Whenever you do less of something, the desire to do it diminishes along with it. Now I look forward to my salads in the morning. It tastes great, it's organic, so it agrees with my conscience.

Like this, I try to stake out a good path for myself, while trying not to bother my fellow humans needlessly. But then I came across the movie "The Future Of Food", focussing on the genetic engeneering of food, and perhaps most shockingly: the patenting of seeds by corporations.

How can someone be allowed to patent life? It's happening! Why are corporations interested in patenting the human gene pool? Why do they want to patent seeds, to own the right to the sustenance of all human beings on the planet. Why do they want to patent animals? More importantly: why are they allowed!?

The only response I can come up with is that our choices are now more important than ever. Our actions do not affect only ourselves, but all of our fellow human beings. Do you believe in God or Divine Providence? Do you believe that God created all living creatures and the world they live in. Is it right for a corporation to take the seed of this life, to alter it and then enslave its destiny for the purpose of generating profits (blood money) or to control the fate and soul of the world? The same question applies if you are "simply" a humanist, if you love the world and its creatures, if you care about the future of your children and their offspring.

We do have choices! May ours be informed, enlightened and responsible. Spread the news and take care!

Watch "The Future Of Food" here.

- B.

[artwork by Ester Hernández]