Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I just reaslied today... I have to do something for this planet! Have you taken a few minutes to look around, and see what's going on? I remember almost 20 years ago, I was interviewed on TV, and I said that I was really, really concerned with the environment and saving the rainforest. I guess I haven't really spent 10 minutes since then, actually doing something to transform my thoughts back then into action. Have you had similar experiences? I think it's time to look at our priorities. Okay, everything costs money! Travelling, living, doing... nothing's free, only thinking's free (is it?)! This world is so beautiful, and it gives so generously of itself. We kill it, yet it does not exact revenge, because vengefulness is not a feeling it is capable of. I wish we were as accomplished!

Anyway, that's my rant for today.



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